Saturday, November 04, 2006

a very not desperate housewife

lately we've been filling out all kinds of applications for renting and leasing and etc., usually they ask for your occupation. i blink my eyes and say 'housewife'.

and then smile to myself a little friendly-evil smile.

i am loving being unemployed (this far). i don't feel guilty and i am definetely not bored. and i have no desire to go to work now.

yesterday we finally moved in. i have unpacked all the suitcases. my dear mother-in-law has given us all kinds of pots and pans and dryer racks and other useful household things. it is wonderful and there is a chaos everyowhere since i am still in the process of unpacking. no pictures of the crib yet - they would scare you at this point. i've been armed with my tools of choice - all purpose cleaners and bleaches and washing detergents and dishwashing soaps and sink polishers and furniture polishers and a million other things that make the house smell like a soap factory. but we are getting there. slowly. so it's coming soon.

internet in our home will be connected in about 4 days - then more.

1 comment:

yellowgirl said...

eee! i can't wait to see pictures and hear more stories!