Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Norway: Days 11-13

Day 11, June 6, Norway
We got up at 7 am. Everyone was smiling big smiles with hopes for a shower. The smiles faded when we realized that we don’t have the right change for taking a shower. We scraped up a few coins and some of the blessed ones could hope for a shower. In addition, we had no idea how long the water will run once we throw the coins in. I washed my hair in the sink and then took the shower. While I was in the shower, I heard something banging really hard. Turned out that the shower my cousin was in swallowed her coins and she was standing there all soaped up and wet without any water or coins left. I gave her the last 5 kronas I had and Neil just slicked his hair back for another few days.

We drove the whole day, stopped to make a dinner. The termometer in the car that was still was showing 37C – we were melting. When the car was on the move it dropped to 27C but it was still very hot. For dinner we had potatoes. We had a real vegetarian meal – two different kind of potatoes, Neil’s speciality, salad, and canned tomatoes. I think all of us will stay off potatoes and macaroni for a while since it’s been our staple diet the whole trip.

We kept going toward Oslo. We got there around 5:30 pm. Walked around the town until about half eight.

We didn’t see much but still decided to keep going since we had to find a place to stay that night. We found a gas station with a nearby campsite for 100 kronas. Dad, Anda, Janis and I played Sequence until late.

At first dad and I kept winning, we won ice creams but later our luck turned and we lost our ice creams along with having to make breakfast and had to do the dishes the next morning.

Day 12, June 7, Sweden

I was making breakfast since we lost the game of Sequence the night before. When I say “breakfast” I mean making coffee. At this point there is not much food left over. I also made some waffles with melted chocolate and some instant oatmeal. The heat was almost unbearable, dad cut the pant legs off his jeans and made them into shorts. Neil is putting together a tent, I think he is really bored at this point. He deserves a medal for all the work he’s done in this trip. Anda is learning to use her camera from an instructions book and Janis is making some sandwiches for himself.

We got to Stockholm around 1 pm. Parked the car and had 2 hours to see the city. We walked around and saw a lot of fancy cars with loud music driving young people with white hats on. It was a big party time and we asked what it was all about.

Apparently, the University had a graduation, so that’s how students celebrated it.

We had a nice walk around town, we got some ice creams and some hamburgers for lunch. Started heading back to our car around 3 pm, it was time to check in the fairy.

We played a few games of Sequence on the fairy, dad and Neil watched a Jackie Chan movie together. Anda and I were rolling our eyes at this. It was neat to see my husband and my dad watching a movie together. It was in English but it didn’t stop my dad from enjoying it – they were both waiting for the action bits.

We all went to bed around midnight.

Day 13, June 8, Riga
We are back! I think all of us were ready to be back at home. During the breakfast we were talking about what we want to do when we get home. Almost all of us were looking forward to a bed and a shower.

Regina had made a nice lunch for all of us. We sat down and told her and my mom who had come to pick Neil and I up about the trip.

1 comment:

yellowgirl said...

wow... i almost feel like i was there. how neat. And how how brave of you to spend that many days on a trip like that!! That's an adventure. I'm jealous, keep the stories coming so i can live vicariously through you.
