Monday, July 16, 2007

It's coming

I've been working on creating a portfolio site for some of my pics and design. Since back in the Volante days I was known to take good people pics and I have taken some engagement pics in the States since, I figure that I could do it here as well.

Oh you lucky Australians!

Once I figure things like how to get someone to host my brainchild and uploading the site and blah blah blah stuff, it will be up and running in no time. For now I am just marinating around and thinking of how to make it look even better.

Obviously this space has been on hold until that's ready. I will tell you the domain name a little bit later. But it's very clever - my very creative husband helped me out in that area...


melissa said...

We miss you! We miss your posts. Hope you come back soon...

And I can't wait to see the new site you've been working on! I'm sure it's fabulous :)

yellowgirl said...

ohhhhh THAT is why there has been the lack of posting. I'm anxious to see it!

Anonymous said...

Same like everyine, can't wait to see what the Middletons came up with...

Anonymous said...

Of course I meant to say everyone... I am not awake yet:)