Thursday, March 11, 2010

Professional world: tidbits

Interesting statisics: cover letters are rarely part of the decision - but when considered, they work against the candidate more often than for the candidate. The cover letter effectively decreases candidates’ interview chances. Candidates can increase their chances by spending time heavily customizing their resumes, and ignoring cover letters.

I subscribe to an emarketing group on linked in and they recently posted a question "What lesson from your first job do you still use today?" Here are some of the answers from various people that stood out to me:

Keep it simple
Listen first, talk much later
There are no problems, only opportunities
Smile and be professional. Always.
Life goes on regardless of what happens at work, so enjoy yourself.
Treat everyone the same!
Ask questions if you are unsure.
Try hard to understand why "YOU" were hired for the job to better understand expectations from you.
A smile in passing can go a long way in creating "an impression" of you.

Mine wold be:
Double and triple check even if it has been proof-read already.
Be nice to people at work even when they don't deserve it.
Praise people when they try hard - it goes a long way.

Feel free to post yours if anything stands out.

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