Thursday, January 27, 2005

more about me

thing #1
unlike other kids who dreamed of becoming doctors, astronauts, lawyers, when i was little, i wanted to be a taxi park dispatcher. one of those people who receive a call and then pass it on to a taxi cab who will go and pick people up when they call for a ride. i don't remember my philosophy behind it, and i am not sure that there had to be philosophy, i just thought it was cool.

thing #2
my dad has always been a collector. my dad has collections of fanciful stamps, albums of millions of kinds of gum wrapping papers, he had collections of beer cans from around the world, he had collections of wonderful books. i used to admire those things, i used sit for hours and look at those collections. that collectors gene has not been passed down to me. i have no love for collecting things. as much as i admire people who have the patience (and money) for collecting things, i apprecite but deep down i always think of things that could be bought for the money that was spent on stuff that just clutters shelves and closets.

i HATED my dad for making me get up at 9 am on saturdays and sundays and MAKE ME READ BOOKS. i did not like him for it for a very long time. until a few months ago when i realized how many different things my father has subconsciously instilled in me. nuances that many people would not notice but things that i see are different about me and other people. like reading. like organization (messiness and organization are two different things, my dear old roommates). i am SO GOOD at organizing things. there is this sense of deep satisfaction when i have put things that belong together in the shoe boxes on top of my closet. this comes from my dad too.

1 comment:

melissa said...

this is a fun entry :) and i like the new blog design.