Monday, December 18, 2006

since neil and i met on the internet while living in two differnet continents and the first time we met in person was in a city neither of us lived, it only seems logical that we like adventure. while dating, and trying desperately to stay on the phone for just a few minutes longer, or maybe because my dear husband is a dreamer, (and i love it about him) we once had a conversation about how romantic it would be to take a train to sctoland or ireland and to cuddle while falling asleep to wake up to new scenries outside. to go to a small place somewhere in the norht to spend a day or two exploring it and drinking hot tea by a fireplace in a little bed and breakfast.

instead of spending money on gifts and presents we are taking another trip in the new year - to edinburgh, scottland. by train. i am giggling of excitement! and i don't care if it cold and snowy in the beginning of january in scottland - that's what hot chocolate and fire places are for!


Anonymous said...

If you continue on north a little farther you can see the farm where Rochelle's Great Grandfather Graham was when he was 2 years old in the late 1880's. He came to Iowa at that time with his family. We were at the Broxton farm several years ago and it was the way it was several hundred years ago with the slate roofs and stone walls of the home and the barns. You can get a map that has all the farm names on it as they still have the same names. This farm is just on the south side of Perth. The other farm is between Perth and Edinburgh and I think the name is East Cockcarnie (I can check on that name if you are interested) It is near the Lake (Lock?)that Mary Queen of Scots was imprisioned before she lost her head. The barns were being converted to homes when we were at this farmstead.

Anonymous said...

wow. so there you get a little bit of my history. I reaaalllly want to go exactly where dad mentioned above. I'm excited for you! that's SUCH an awesome idea.