Friday, June 22, 2007

A Day on the Gold Coast

I know it’s not too hard to convince someone to come to Australia to see how beautiful it is. But just in case there are hesitations, let me give you a little teaser.

How about digging your toes in fine, warm sand

and soaking your feets in the warm, blue Pacific

and spending a winter day on the beach while watching people learn surfing

and helping the local fishermen throw the little fishies that cough in the nets after a days catch to throw them back in the ocean, to wait until they grow to have them for dinner

and just looking at the locals – the big strong Ozzies that make living the old style – by catching fish

And that’s before we go and see the koalas and kangaroos.

I know you want it. So shake out your piggy bank and come down to see us so that in this picture below you are next to me.

The Brisbane pictures

The Gold Coast pictures


Anonymous said...

You guys it looks like you moved to an earthly Paradise:) It looks amazing indeed! Cannot wait to be next to you in that picture!

yellowgirl said...
