Monday, June 30, 2008

Train journey

My train journey is about 1.20 hours long. I go from the Gold Coast, where we currently live, to Brisbane, where I work. Neil usually drops me off at the train station, which is about 5 minute drive from home, and then drives about 20 minutes the other direction to his work.

Most mornings it is sunny, which is nice. Yesterday, in the middle of the Queensland winter Neil and I were giggling as we were sitting in hot tub and watching each other not to get burned in the intense sun. Sun is dangerous over here and because of the ozone problems you won't see native Aussies on the beach tanning. They will wear long sleeves, hats and slap on thick amount of +30-+45 sunscreen. On the Gold Coast, which is very touristy it is easy to spot a visitor - speedos and laying out in the sun like there is no tomorrow.

But back to the train journey. Once in a while, when I am going to work and the train takes me through the fields of the Gold Coast, it is overcast. I love to watch the fields. Thick fog rolling over little creeks, Australian looking cows taking a drink. A couple of kangaroos hopping in the field. Towns with people waking up and the Surfers Paradise sky scrapers sticking out in the distance. Most of all I love the peace that the overcast sky brings.

Coming from a country where it rained so much, even after not living there for almost 12 years I still don't like rain. But seems like the Sunshine state sun in Australia has conquered my dislike for rain. I almost enjoy it because it is such a change. It feels peaceful and calm and so different. Like a cup of hot chocolate of a cold day.

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