My baby boy is almost 8 months old! I just brought him home from the hospital and couldn't stop looking at him and smiling from all the happiness that was bubbling over inside me. And it's 8 months already!!!
What a blessing he is to me. What an answer to prayer. What a gift. I treasure and love him with all that I have. This love that a parent has for a baby is only something that God could have planted in us.
So many lovely things have happened since the last time I wrote here but I've been too busy to write them down.
Sleep is still an issue (completely my fault). Since I want my cake and eat it too, I want to be able to cuddle with him but them have him sleep in his own cot at night. Well, he always wants to cuddle with mommy and daddy. He's slept in our bed for the last few months. I don't mind it most of the time, except for when I wake up on my side with my leg hanging over the bed and realise that I am teetering on the knives edge, about 10 cm of our king size bed. The pictures below are pretty accurate...
What a blessing he is to me. What an answer to prayer. What a gift. I treasure and love him with all that I have. This love that a parent has for a baby is only something that God could have planted in us.
So many lovely things have happened since the last time I wrote here but I've been too busy to write them down.
My little boy has his first passport now. We are planning to add two more to this collection. Although maybe we shouldn't so that he doesn't grow up and move away to some far away land. I don't think mommy's heart could handle that...
Daddy is still best friend. I love watching my boys interact. Neil is the best father and husband that a son and a wife could want. Of course we have our quibbles from time to time but when I look at how hard he tries and how dedicated he is, I realise how blessed I am.
I got this little contraption for bath time at my trusty second hand kids market for $4 (I love that place!!!!!!). Daniel LOVES it. Bathtime has always been a favourite but now it's even better (is it possible?). Neil and I love watching him enjoy it so much and of course that we join in the fun.
We are busy with life and I am loving every minute of it. I feel like I've finally had a chance to catch my breath and recharge my batteries from the years of putting all my energy into work. I feel like I am savouring these moments and am able to appreciate them rather than just breeze through them.

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