Monday, November 27, 2006

While you people were participating in the "mass genocide of turkeys" according to Felicia, we were exploring London with my Latvian friend and Neil during the weekend. One of the cooler things that weren't expected or planned at all, was seeing Nicole Kidman, Elijah Woods and Britney Murphy at the opening of "Happy Feet" in Leicster Square. I will have many more stories and pictures later. Gotta run now :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

that's awesome!! we want more pictures! also... maybe you can just become one of those paparrazzi and voila! you got a job, and a well-paid one too. you can even let Neil stay home instead and listen to the cracks, crickles and clicks of your apartment. there are solutions girl, don't give up!:)

Anonymous said...

one more thing: I think I can see you behind the left pinguin:,26335,1561366_6,00.html
next time, wave to us Aggie, we'll be watching you!:)

studiocitro said...

you mean this link?,26335,1561366_1,00.html

studiocitro said...

actually, that was my bodyguard, i am in the next picture... :):):)

Anonymous said...

they switched the order of the photos, i swear! it was the penguin ones the one I copied... oh well, good thing we read the same gossip:)